Monday, December 5, 2011

The last week in Indiana

Sharing the trailer with my husband meant making room on the bed and extra clothes on the floor.  But it also meant sharing the last two months of memories with him.  We swam in the creek several times, roasted marshmallows over the huge bonfire and chased the chickens.  My father hosted a to-do at his house and the whole family came.  It was a wonderful opportunity to say goodbye. 

Having all three of us in the same state is rare, so these moments are precious.

Since the rain had slackened off a bit, my dad decided to burn the huge pile of dead wood he’d collected over the last year. It burned so hot and so high, he wet the leaves and branches around it. 

Papa Scott and Liam

The boys watching Papa keep the fire from burning out of control.
My brother set up an inflatable slide with a pool and a slip-n-slide for all the cousins to play. How wonderful it was to have the whole family together. 

My beautiful sister and I, holding my brother's youngest son, Noah.

Slightly blurry, but me hanging with my bro'!

My lovely step-mom being goofy!

Kara, my gorgeous sister-in-law, with Noah
Brother-in-laws bonding.

 I'm very close with my family and loved every minute of my time with them.

"Gather ye rose-buds while ye may,
   Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
   Tomorrow will be dying." 
(First Stanza of Robert Herrick's poem, "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time.") 

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