Due to job changes, our family decided to continue living in Denver, Colorado. After a very brutal 2013 winter, we longed for more space and warmth. After our rental property sold in summer 2014, we purchased a condo and put the RV up for sale. With the intent of renting it out when we are ready to move.
Hello IKEA organizers!
We spent several days painting and replacing the appliances in the kitchen. Plus, we had to replace some furniture. I took the lessons on efficiency and wise use of space that we'd learned in the RV and applied to our new home.
We only purchased beds, a desk, a couch, and five heavy duty, wire commercial shelving units. Then stored all of our clothes and belongings in organizers tucked into closets. The kids relish the indoor space, but miss the outdoor fun that waited right outside our RV front door.
Our condo is close to a favorite county park that enables us to swim in a lake, do some outdoor archery and some hiking, biking, and exploring.
My youngest has expanded her culinary skills. |
We joined an academic coop that is pushing the children and I to a whole new educational level. Which can be painful sometimes. On a whole, we are excited about our future and what God has planned for us.
My oldest, Jessica, attended a Civil War Ball with her best friend.
Her dad acted as escort! |
Kyla has also taken up photography, like her father, and shown a prodigious talent! |
Liam, my son, and Kyla also started a little paracord bracelet business. |
Kyla's 11th birthday present. Sapphira likes to "help" with school work. |
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