Thursday, August 29, 2013

Health Insurance on the road

First, I want to say how excited I am to be a part of the Families on the Road website!    I've been a lurker for years.  Never commenting, always longing for adventure.  Living it out vicariously through other people's experiences.  Now, I can share mine...

Now, to a more mundane question: Health Insurance.
We personally have a federal health care plan as my husband works for the government.

But the idea of paying cash or using a non-profit medical-sharing ministry plan is also interesting.

I prefer to use the Health Savings Account, because it is like cash in my pocket instead of the insurance company.  

What about Catastrophic Health care coverage instead?

I know that this varies for everyone based on our stage of life or medical needs.  My SIL, for example, has struggled with Ehlers Danlos Sydrome --a chronic and life-threatening condition-- her whole life.  She absolutely needs full coverage.

Whereas, our family is very healthy.  No serious medical issues or life-threatening conditions.  When we do get sick with a cold or flu (which is rare), then I use old-fashioned methods like vitamins and herbs to boost the immune system.  Plus, I keep copies of our medical records. 

We have our family doctor in town and our favorite dentist.  But what about while you are traveling?

What is your experience with cash only or dealing with insurance on the road?

Also, who do you prefer for RV insurance?  We are using GEHA (through Good Sam), but have heard good things about GEICO. 

1 comment:

  1. I saw you on FOTR- we recently joined as well so we are also on the front page- . We also travel in a class C bunkhouse (four winds) which is similar to the sunseeker. Just a comment on this post.... We have been with Samaritan Ministries for four years and love it! It was a big step of faith but a true testament to God's faithfulness. (As is everything about this lifestyle). Great blog. Deb
