We are nestled back in Clear Creek RV park for the winter. Our trailer backs up to the creek and if the joggers along the trail are very lucky, they can see us eating lunch through our living room window...

Once fall passed, we were left with brown everywhere. Brown mountains. Dead brown trees with exposed squirrel nests. Muddy brown banks along the creek. And piles of dried brown leaves rustling in the whistling wind that blows hard through the valley. The wind, piercing and cold --take-your-breath-away cold.
We spent Christmas Eve with Bill's family: brunch at 11 and then we opened presents. Jessica wasn't feeling well all day, so she participated as much as she could. But by the Christmas Eve service, she just wanted to curl up and sleep. We went to their church at 2 and enjoyed some carols and the nativity story. After which, we went to my mother-in-law's house for the evening. We watched silly tv shows and helped her make a cake.
But for Christmas, we got a glorious blanket of white laid down to cover all the brown. Soft flakes falling in the night, twinkling against our headlights as we drove home on Christmas Eve.
Christmas morning. Three inches of snow. Frozen kitchen sink. Three impatient children who waited patiently for three hours until dad finally woke up.
In the meantime, I had to wash dishes by importing water from the bathroom sink and heat it up in my new electric water kettle. Then made apple and pear cinnamon pancakes for breakfast.
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