Friday, December 9, 2011

Meet Ginger

I'm visiting with a friend in our local Keenesburg thriftstore, "Simpler Times," and I get a phone call from Bill: "Want a new kitten?"

A new cat?  That's the last thing we need...

The Denver Humane Society was having a buy one kitten, get one free sale.  My sister-in-law wanted a new cat, so Bill decided to take the other one.  When I told the kids, they were over the moon. 

Bill has a knack for picking out the best animals.  So he went down to the shelter and chose a five-month-old tortoiseshell.

Petite, but feisty

Curious little cat

After deliberating for a few days, we settled on the name "Ginger."  With her pumpkin-colored eyes and "tortitude," it seemed to fit her well.

Our other cat, Dash, was uncertain of this new intruder.

Jessica likes to dress Dash up.  

Eventually, he got used to her bossing him around.  She's run off all those extra pounds he put on while in Indiana.  Now, they are inseparable.

Tuckered out after a long day of running up and down the trailer

Dash and Ginger add spice to our life, among other smells.  I'm glad she is a part of our family now...

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