But in his gracious wisdom, God walked me through the journey step by step. So every day, from September to December, the kids and I would pack a bag for charity or put books in boxes after completing school for the day. We sold some things and gave other stuff away. Lots of homeschooling books, curriculum and related materials, that I’d been clinging on to for years, went to someone else. Where hopefully it got used!
December rolled around and we were packed, waiting for the signal that God wanted us to move. Yes, we still owned our house and wasn’t sure how that would be resolved. But after all, God is God and has his plans. We said our goodbyes to the homeschooling group, finished Awanas scriptures, and took down pictures.
I am sooo glad I took the time to purge last fall! It makes the job easier. I started the process by having the kids help me clean and organize the entire house! Then, I started in the school room and go through all my books again. This time with a prejudiced eye toward what was keep-worthy (going into the storage unit) and what could be purged. I culled more homeschooling materials, including some things that could be sold on eBay.
The garage was a big, scary place full of packed boxes and unorganized piles. So that became my first priority. Because Bill was still fighting sinusitis and the kids were sick, coughing and feverish –it took me awhile to get the job done. At least a week.
So all the long-term keep boxes go in the basement. Anything getting sold or donated to charity gets pulled to the garage. Other things that we think we’ll use are going to the RV, tucked away in a cabinet. I figure that once we’re moved out completely, I can rearrange and settle in. But at least it’s safely out of the house.
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